The Botanic Garden of Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU) has been designed to function as an educational and scientific garden. It encompasses a broad spectrum of horticultural variety (including mosses, ferns, and seed plants) and contributes to the research and preservation of this diversity. In the regional context, the garden is actively participating in the preservation of the rare flora of Rhineland-Palatinate. By cultivating endangered species and demonstrating their significance, the JGU Botanic Garden helps promote the protection of plant habitats. At the national level, the garden is active within the German Association of Botanic Gardens (Verband Botanischer Gärten). It is also part of the globalen global network of botanic gardens that have linked up to form the Botanic Gardens Conservation International (BGCI)
Thanks to the advantageous location in the mild and relatively dry climate of the surrounding wine-growing region plants that require a warmer environment can be grown outdoors in the JGU Botanic Garden over the whole year. To complement the reproduction of the Mainz Sand Flora, a new section themed around the region of the steppes of Europe has been created over the last few years. Other high points of the collection include the families of flowering plants, the trees and shrubs of the temperate zone of the northern hemisphere, temperate plants from the Mediterranean climate zones and the southern hemisphere as well as tropical and subtropical agricultural crops. A special themed Plants of the Orient collection is currently being formed. The main focus in the greenhouses is on the different forms and species of tropical plants and their relationships with one another. JGU's Botanic Garden also maintains one of Europe's largest research collections of plants of the genus Salvia or sage.
The Botanic Garden is a fundamental component of Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz and serves the realization of its Mission Statement. By means of tours, exhibitions, and special events, the Botanic Garden strives to inform the general public about botanical diversity and its importance. Last but not least, the JGU Botanic Garden is a place to ponder and relax on the central university campus and also provides a semi-natural habitat for wildlife in an urban environment.
Most Botanic Gardens, especially in Europe, produce annual Seed Lists (Indices Seminum) which are distributed among them in order to exchange plant material of their collections. The seeds are supplied only for non-commercial use such as scientific study and educational purposes as well as environmental protection in agreement with the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD).
Mainz University Botanic Garden offers a Seed List since 1950. It is distributed to some 400 Botanic Gardens all over the world. Please consider that orders from private persons cannot be accepted. Index Seminum 2025 | Hortus Botanicus Universitatis Moguntinae (907 KB)