(in retirement)
Research project
Flora and vegetation of Gargano (Southern Italy)
Reconditioning of “Herbarium Garganicum (W. Licht)” and its integration into the herbarium of MJG
MJG-Gargano introduction
MJG-Gargano collections
MJG-Gargano Notulae
MJG-Gargano Notulae literatur
MJG-Gargano loc-E | locations
MJG-Gargano loc-SR-E | locations B. Schreiber
Critical screening of the flora of Gargano (in cooperation with Dr. R.P. Wagensommer, University of Bari)
Conspectus florae garganicae praecursor
Conspectus literatur
Floristic composition, ecology and phytosociology of biotope types of Gargano
Mediterranean flora and vegetation, plant geography of the Adriatic region, flora of Italy, Apulia, Gargano
Another project
Practicable screening of vegetation findings
Fax: ++49-(0)6131-39 23524
E-mail: wlicht(at)outlook.de
Licht W. & Wagensommer, R.P. 2020): Flora vascolare del Gargano e delle Isole Tremiti. Chiavi analitiche per la determinazione. – Foggia (Grenzi), 955 pp. + Appendix. – Obtaining on Parco Nazionale del Gargano (protocollo@parcogargano.it)
Wagensommer, R.P. & Licht W. (2017): Nuovi aggiornamenti sulla flora vasculare del Gargano: indagini di campo e d’erbario. – Notizario Soc. Bot. Ital. 1(2): 200-201
Wagensommer, R.P., Bartolucci, F., Fiorentino, M., Licht W, Peccenini, S. Perrino E.V. &. Venanzoni, R. (2017): First record for the flora of Italy and lectotypification of the name Linum elegans (Linaceae). – Phytotaxa 296: 161-170
Wagensommer, R.P., Perrino E.V., Silletti, G.N. & Licht W. (2016): Allium garganicum Brullo, Pavone, Salmeri & Terrasi. – In: Orsenigo & al.: Global and Regional IUCN Red List Assessments: 1. – Italian Botanist 1: 61–85
Licht, W. (2015): Zeigerpflanzen – Erkennen und Bewerten. 522 S. (2. Aufl.) – Wiebelsheim. ISBN 978-3-494-01586-6
Licht, W. (2012): Einführung in die Pflanzenbestimmung nach vegetativen Merkmalen. 399 S. – Wiebelsheim.
Licht, W. & Wagensommer, R.P. (2011): - Nuove acquisizioni per la flora della Puglia con considerazioni di carattere tassonomico, morfologico ed ecologico. Secondo contributo: Gramineae - Inform. Botanico Ital. 43:29-37
Licht, W. & Wagensommer, R.P. (2008): - Nuove acquisizioni per la flora della Puglia - Inform. Botanico Ital. 40:15-22
Kadereit, J.W., Licht, W. & Uhink, C.H. (2008): Asian relationships of the flora of the European Alps. - Plant Ecology & Diversity 1, 171–179
Licht, W. (2008): Bestimmungsschlüssel zur Flora des Gargano (Süd-Italien). 384 S. (Identification key for Flora of Gargano) – Aachen
Thüs, H. & Licht, W. (2006): Oceanic and hygrophytic lichens from the Gargano-Peninsula (Puglia/South-Eastern Italy). - Herzogia 19, 149-153