The Summer Fest is the highlight of the Botanic Garden event calendar and offers an exciting and entertaining program for all ages.
Simply relax with a tour through the arboretum, enjoy the magnificence of the flower beds, explore tropical plant diversity in the greenhouses, get hold of horticultural rarities at the Plant bazaar, meet nice people, chill out on the lawn in front of the music stage, eat fruit cake with the Friends of the Botanic Garden, experience the incredible life of plants through a tour, or watch the kids experimenting with plant dyes. All of this goes into making the Botanic Garden Summer Fests into something very special.
Saxophonquartett Mainz 04 (Stephanie Winzen, Baritonsaxophon; Alex Jung, Tenorsaxophon; Johannes Lind, Sopransaxophon; Kerstin Haberecht, Altsaxophon;
Bluesette – Salonmusik, Tango, Jazz (Thomas Mattern, Violine; Alexandre Bytchkov, Akkordeon; Frank Willi Schmidt, Kontrabass; Simon Zimbardo, Schlagzeug;
(Photos: Uwe Feuerbach, Ralf Omlor, Hilke Steinecke, Mainz04, Blusette)