It's hard to imagine life without cotton. Most of our clothing is made of it, as are cotton balls. Even Euro bills are made from this old cash crop.
But under what conditions is cotton actually grown? What does it look when it is harvested, and how much water and pesticide does each plant consume beforehand? How many stages does the cotton go through before it ends up as a pair of jeans on the store counter - and what were the working conditions in the factory where they were made? The school children will be able to answer these questions on the various stops they make during the virtual tour of the world from the countries where cotton is cultivated, through the regions where it is processed to the countries where the clothing is bought.
Target age group: 7th grade upwards
Duration: approx. 3 hours
Kosten: 80 € (The cost applies to groups up to 15 people. Individual arrangements may be possible with larger groups.)