The Botanic Garden of Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz is a research garden whose primary function is to meet the needs of academic research and teaching. In the last decade, the requirements of the garden have grown dramatically. With the introduction of new regulations on access to genetic resources, demands with regard to the scientific documentation of living collections have become increasingly stringent. Important new tasks in the field of education and conservation of endangered plant species have also been added. The public funding provided, on which the garden relies, is not only enough to meet all of these requirements, but also not sufficient to ensure that the garden remains as attractive and informative as possible. We are thus seeking donations from motivated sponsors.
Founded in 1998, the Freundeskreis des Botanischen Garten (Friends of the Botanic Garden) has made important contributions to the upkeep of the garden. By joining this association, you will demonstrate your solidarity with the work of the garden and provide it with support in a simple way. And as a member, you will enjoy various additional benefits.
But you can also make direct financial or other donations to the garden. Through this, you can promptly finance and facilitate the realization of concrete projects, such as the purchase of valuable plants, new benches for the Botanical Garden, new microscopes, field guides, and new information boards. Or you can sponsor art and cultural events at the Botanic Garden. We can advise you on which projects to sponsor. For information on sponsorship of the Green School in the Botanic Garden, click here.
The Botanic Garden donation account
Landeshochschulkasse Mainz
Deutsche Bundesbank, Filiale Mainz
Routing No.: 550 000 00, Account No.: 550 015 11
Purpose of transfer: 6101/28286/9656001, Donation to Botanic Garden, Your Name, Your Address
We would be happy to advise you if you are considering supporting the garden through a foundation or bequest. Simply call us or write to us. Thank you for your interest!